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Showing posts with label Ventura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ventura. Show all posts

August 25, 2010

Adventure to a California Movie Theater

I was for the first time in my life in a U.S. movie theater, in California, and it was quite similar to the theaters in Finland except the price of the ticket was in dollars and it was $10.

At first I was with my friends, then we decided to go to the last show at 10:30pm to see "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." It had recently premiered a few weeks ago.

It was a crazy, of the wall, and out there movie. Overall i liked the movie and I would recommend you watch it if your someone who likes movies that are different.

I saw many exciting previews for upcoming movies while at the theater, and I hope they will premier in Finland soon as well.

Earlier that day we had went to In-n-out Burger so that i could try a hamburger from the place that Californians love to eat. Its only located in California, in the United States, and most California residents love In-n-outs food. The taste of their fries was unlike any other fast food place ive eaten at.


Thursday morning ill be heading back to Hollywood/LA for the weekend to check out the nightlife and then will be back in Ventura at the end of the weekend.The time that ive spent in California so far with my local friends has been amazing and filled with adventure. Now im off to bed, bye for awhile, you can follow my adventure on Twitter.

Only for the Fatties.